TVNZ recently interviewed rangatahi with a parent in prison to get greater insight into the impact of parental incarceration - The 'invisible' children of NZ's prisoners speak out about the care they need. There are now between 17,000 and 20,000 tamariki in Aotearoa who have a parent in prison and, as reported, if you count children with a parent serving a community sentence or home detention, that number more than doubles to include about 17% of all children in our country - almost one in five children.
These impressive rangatahi are calling for a whānau navigator role to be established at district courts, to work directly with families and children of prisoners to support their needs and help them navigate the court process. The group has also drafted their own Bill of Rights for Children of Incarcerated Parents and have plans to petition parliament to legislate a support plan for children of prisoners.
Understanding the needs of these children, their whānau, and their parents, and working to help them really matters.